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April 25th, 2024 - v2.10.7.1

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Mobile.

April 25th, 2024 Release

What’s New?

  1. Updated TA Mobile quick reference guide

  2. Biometric login capability

  3. Added fire simulation animations to TA mobile

  4. Added ability to post and click links in the log messages

  5. Improvements have been made to the expired token message

  6. Date, time, and username will be auto-filled in the comments field when adding features through TA mobile

  7. Added blue icons in the incident list in web to the incidents list in mobile

  8. Removed the orange exclamation mark in Production (this now only shows in Training)

  9. Users can allow photos to auto-sync in mobile

  10. When pinning an incident, users can download incident information

  11. Added overhead lines < 66kV to local layers

  12. Improved the workflow of changing feature symbology

What’s Fixed?

  1. Zoom to my location zooms out to county level

  2. App was crashing when deleting a downloadable basemap or vtpk

  3. Incident time in GMT on Android devices

  4. Issues with downloading vtpks and changing environments

  5. Reoccurring update app notification has been fixed

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