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Adding Incident Photos & Files

Take a Photo

To take a photo, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Incident Info screen for the preferred incident

  2. Tap Media

  3. Select Take Photo

  4. Tap to take a photo

  5. Add a comment (optional)

  6. Tap to attach the photo

  7. Send now popup

    1. Send Later will require users to manually sync the photo at a later time

    2. Yes will sync the photo immediately

Connectivity is required to sync immediately


Attach Photo From Gallery

To attach a photo, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Incident Info screen for the preferred incident

  2. Tap Media

  3. Select Attach Photo to browse the phone’s gallery and select a photo

  4. Add a comment (optional)

  5. Tap to attach the photo

  6. Send now popup

    1. Send Later will require users to manually sync the photo at a later time

    2. Yes will sync the photo immediately

Connectivity is required to sync immediately


Attach a File

To attach a file, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Incident Info screen for the preferred incident

  2. Tap Media

  3. Select Attach Document or File and browse to select a file

The file has been added to the incident.

Remember to sync “My Edits” so other users can see the file.

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