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View FireSim Animation & View Reports

Simulations are available after an incident gets reported in Tactical Analyst or when an analyst publishes a new simulation from WFA.

If multiple FireSims are attached to an incident, all of them will be available in mobile.

The full fire simulation report and one-pagers are available in mobile for each simulation.

To view a FireSim animation or FireSim report, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Incident Info screen for the preferred incident

  2. Tap Sims

    1. If more than one simulation is available for the incident, they will be listed here

  3. Tap on the preferred Sim

  4. Use the panel at the bottom of the screen to play the simulation

    1. Use the buttons to watch the timeline of the simulation

    2. Use the button to change the Sim transparency

    3. Use the button to zoom to the sim location

    4. Use the button to download the full report or the one-page report

    5. Tap Results to see the Impact analysis, Initial Attack Assessment, and Comments


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