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Home Page

When users first open the mobile application, they are directed to the Home page.

  1. Environment Icon - This orange exclamation only shows up in environments other than Production. When tapped, the users will get a popup message saying what environment they are logged into

  2. App Connectivity - This icon shows the user's mode. Green is online, yellow is offline - by user, and red is offline.

  3. Main App Refresh - Users can upload their edits and pull updated information from the central server by tapping this icon.

  4. Settings

    1. Logout of the current environment

    2. Quick Start Video directs users to a 10 min overview video of how to use TA mobile

    3. Quick Reference Guide available offline to help users navigate through the mobile app

    4. Help Center directs users to the knowledgebase website

    5. Additional Settings

    6. Notifications History shows new activity for Incidents, Mapping and Log Messages

    7. App Trace is used by Technosylva for troubleshooting

    8. About will show users what environment and version they are currently working in

    9. Exit the mobile application

  5. Incident List - View a list of all active incidents

  6. Resource List - View a list of all AVL resources

  7. Map - Map main overview

  8. Summary - View dashboards and reports

  9. My Incident - View and access your pinned incident

  10. My Edits - Manage and sync your edits


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