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Find & Set "My Incident"

Find My Incident

As a Resource assigned to an Incident, you can use the Incident List to find your Incident. Tap the Incidents button on the Home screen to open the Incident List.

  1. Use the search box to perform a wildcard search for the Incident Name

  2. Tap on the Incident in the list to open the Incident Info screen

Set My Incident

You can set this incident as “My Incident” to quickly navigate to the Incident Info screen:

  1. On the Incident Info screen, tap the red pin button in the bottom right corner

  2. Tap Yes

  3. The new pop up will ask users to select the incident data they would like to download that is associated with that incident. The following options are listed

    1. Download all incident data

    2. Download incident maps

    3. Download incident mapping

    4. Download incident media

    5. Download incident logs

  4. The Incident has been set as “My Incident”. Tap the “My Incident” button on the bottom navigation bar, or on the Home screen, to quickly navigate back to the Incident Info screen for “My Incident


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