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Working with Boards

The Incident Boards capability allows users to augment the map and collaborate within agency groups. There are default boards for every incident, but user defined boards can also be created on the fly allowing you to create your own views, maps and collaborate in smaller groups.

Content can be added and shared between user created boards to collaborate between different groups or to restrict information to certain users and groups.

Boards is the new term and functionality for Rooms from previous COP software.

Features are not shared between the Working or Public Board’s. The features displayed in these boards are based on NIFS access and status levels and the incident mode.

The Working Board is the board that the mobile application views and syncs to. This ensures that all mobile users are seeing the same cooperators level operational picture. When an incident is in Approval Mode, mobile will still view the Working board, but newly added features will go to the Review Board for review and approval before becoming visible on the working board for other users.

Default Boards

Each incident will have 4 default boards.

  1. Public Board

  2. Working Board

  3. Restricted Board (In Development)

  4. Review Board

The table below outlines the boards and the features they will display based on the NIFS Access and Status levels of the features.



NIFS Access Level

NIFS Status Level


The public board has content that can be shared externally to the public. The public board is view only. Content cannot be created in this board.




The working board is used to share information among the agency and with cooperators. This is the main board for the incident.

What features are visible in this board change with the incident mode:

  • Open: Any feature thats been added to the working board will be visible as there is no review or approval process during this mode. Features added will automatically have an access level of Cooperators with a status of Proposed.

  • Approval: The Working Board only displays features with the access level Cooperators or Public with a status of Approved.

Cooperators & Public

Open: Proposed

Approval: Approved


(In Development)

This board is used for restricted content. It is only available to those users who have the needed role/permission.


All (Proposed, In Review, Approved, Archived)


This board is automatically created when an incident is switch into Approval Mode. It is used for the review and approval of added features. It is only available to those users who have the needed role/permission.


All (Proposed, In Review, Approved, Archived)

User Defined Boards

These are boards created by users on the fly and will vary per incident. Access to these boards is controlled by the user who created the board or those with the admin role. Users can request to join, be invited or openly join depending how the board has been set up.

Content created in these boards will have an access level of Incident and a status of Draft. the draft status has be introduced as a way for content to be added in these boards without automatically appearing on the working board or being submitted for review. Changing the status to Proposed will display the feature on the working board in Open mode or submit it for review in Approval mode.

Content can be shared between these boards using the share capability.

Incident, Cooperators & Public

All (Proposed, In Review, Approved, Archived) + Draft

The naming of these boards has been updated to better align with NIFS access level standards.

  • Public - > Public Board

  • Cooperators - > Working Board

  • Incident - > User Defined Boards

  • Restricted - > Restricted Boards

  • Unknown

User Defined Boards

User defined board are boards that can be created on the fly by Tactical Analyst users for each incident. Visibility of and access to these boards can be controlled when creating a board. Members of a board can be added and removed as needed.

Learn how to create a board here.

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