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Share Map Features to Another Incident

Mapping features can be shared between incidents.

When you share an item you are sharing that single instance of the item in the database. This means that any edits made to the item will appear in all of the boards the item has been shared to. To create a separate instance of the item, use the Copy functionality. When an item is copied, you are creating a new instance of the item in the database, so any changes made to the original item will not be applied to the copied item.

Share an Individual Map Feature to Another Incident

Individual map features can be shared to different incidents.

To share an individual map feature:

  1. Next to the item you want to share, click

  2. Select Share to Incident

  3. Select the incident and board you want to share them to

  4. Click Share

Bulk Share Map Features to Another Incident

To bulk share map features:

  1. Open the map grid

  2. Click the check box next to the desired features

  3. At the top of the map grid click Actions

  4. Then click Share to Incident

  5. Select the incident and board you want to share them to

  6. Click Share

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