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Create a Board

You can quickly create a new board for a selected incident directly from the incident card.

To create a new board:

  1. Select the incident you want to create a board for

  2. Click in the incident card header

  3. Click New Board

  4. Enter a name and description

  5. Select who can see the board and who can join the board

  6. Select a color and icon

  7. Click Save

You can also create a new board by clicking New Board from the Board’s List for an incident.

Controlling Access to the Board

The selections made in the User Access section of creating a board, will dictate how users can see and join the board.

Who Can See This Board Exists?

  1. Everyone - This board will appear in the Join Board section of the Boards List

  2. Only Members - This board will appear in the My Boards section of the Boards List, but only for those who are members of the board.

Who Can Join This Board?

  1. Anyone - The board can be joined by any Tactical Analyst user without approval or review. This level of board is open to anyone and best user for boards that contain information that is approved for anyone to see, for example the Public Board.

  2. Those who request access and are approved- This board will appear in the Join Board section of the Boards List and users can Request Access to the board. Their request will have to be approved before they will be able to join the board and see the board’s content.

  3. Only Those Added - Members have to be manually added to the board by a user with the correct role and permissions before the board will appear in the My Boards section. once added, the user will be able to see the board’s content.

All boards can have users manually added by a user with the correct role and permission.

This picture outlines the workflow for creating a new board and setting the User Access settings.

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