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Manage Board Members

The Manage Board Members tool allows users to view current board members and manage which Tactical Analyst users have access to that selected board. Users can be manually added to a board, request access to join or if the board is public, join freely.

View Board Members

To view the list of members for a selected board:

  1. Select the board from the Boards List

  2. Click in the incident card header

  3. Click Edit Members

  4. The list of board members will be displayed under the Current Members List

Add Users to a Board

To add new users to a board:

  1. Select the board from the Boards List

  2. Click in the incident card header

  3. Click Edit Members

  4. Select a user(s) in the Add Members List

  5. Click to add the selected user(s) to the board

  6. Click to close the the Members Manager

Remove Board Members

To remove users from a board:

  1. Select the board from the Boards List

  2. Click in the incident card header

  3. Click Edit Members

  4. Select a user(s) in the Current Members List

  5. Click to remove the selected user(s) to the board

  6. Click to close the the Members Manager

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