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Sharing Content Between Boards

Content that is created for an incident is board specific. This means that content created in one board is not visible in another board unless it is shared to another board.

Content that can be shared between boards includes:

  1. Incident Mapping Features

  2. Photos

  3. Files

  4. Log Entries (Future Enhancement)

When you share an item from one board to another, you are sharing that single instance of the item in the database. This means that any edits made to the item will appear in all of the boards the item has been shared to. To create a separate instance of the item, use the Copy to Board functionality. When an item is copied, you are creating a new instance of the item in the database, so any changes made to the original item will not be applied to the copied item.

You can only share content between boards that are from the same incident.

Share a Content Group

Sharing content groups allows you to share large groups of content at once. You can share all the photos, files or different incident mapping types with the share content functionality.

To share groups of content:

  1. Select the board the content you want to share is in

  2. In the Boards Toolbar click

  3. Select Share Content

  4. Select which content groups you want to share

  5. Select the board you want to share them to

  6. Click Share

Share an Individual Item

Individual features, photos and files can be shared between boards as well.

To share an individual item:

  1. Next to the item you want to share, click

  2. Select Share

  3. Select the board you want to share them to

  4. click Share

The boards that are checked indicate which boards the item is already shared to.

Unshare an Individual Item

To unshare a item from a specific board:

  1. Click next to the item you want to unshare.

  2. Select Share.

  3. The Share Content pop up will appear with a list of boards for the selected incident. Uncheck the boards you want to unshare the item to.

  4. Click Share.

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