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December 20, 2023 - v2.0.1

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Web.


December 20, 2023 Release

What’s New?

  1. Added search bar to the bookmarks tab

  2. Add the ability to post links in the log messages

    1. The ability to click links in mobile will be in the next mobile update

  3. Improve access to saved filters workflow

  4. Sort line feature icons alphabetically

  5. Add cellular coverage data layers to TA mobile

  6. Update Advanced Printmap functionality

    1. Known Issue - some legend items appear twice

  7. Add 2023 DPA and WPA layer to TA

    1. 2022 layers have been removed

  8. Add the ability to filter the mapping grid by feature category

  9. Add/show comments made in WFA fire sim on sim card in TA web

  10. Hide unused Aerial Intel buckets from the Aerial Intel Panel

  11. Add details to the Sims tab when no firesim is available

  12. Add OCFA AVL to TA web

What’s Fixed?

  1. Error when creating and editing an incident

  2. Archiving files in the Maps folder does not work in TA

  3. “Show Archived File” does not work

  4. When creating an incident in San Diego County the Area field defaults to San Benito County

  5. Unable to use “&” in mapping feature labels

  6. Copy coordinates tool should copy in the same coordinate system chosen in the tool

  7. RDS2 role unable to see pending invitations in UAM

  8. Hide from Map function causes the map zoom to return to a statewide zoom

  9. “Show latest image” button not working on the AlertWildfire cameras layer

  10. AlertCalifornia camera mislabeled

  11. CAL FIRE aircraft are not showing up in the ADSB feed

  12. The blue dot indicator not working for the log messages

  13. Unable to archive mapping features

  14. Map features persist after changing the status to inactive

  15. Remove the “Add To” section when editing bookmarks

  16. Polygon features do not draw when exported in ArcPro

  17. Set FIRIS data layer default opacity to 50%

  18. For the FIRIS service: change the more than 24-hour sort to more than 24 hours and less than 60 days

  19. Move the EGP Dart layer and Interra Contract County AVL in TA web to the Resources groups

  20. Update Base Reflectivity Radar layer

  21. Updated NIFS Service to 2023

  22. GeoPDF not uploading to the Maps folder

  23. Update SARCOP layers to 2023

  24. “Add Geometry” function in Mapping will not accept .shp

  25. Alert California Cameras site transition

  26. Users in the Pending Invites tab already have accounts

    1. All invites that have been sent prior to June 2023 have been removed

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