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Advanced Print Map

The Advanced Print Map allows you to create more advanced map products including IAP, OPs and briefings maps at various sizes and orientations.

To Create an Advanced Print Map:

  1. Open the Print Map Tool

  2. Select Advanced

  3. Search for the incident you want to create the map product for

  4. Select the map type you want to create: IAP, Briefing or Ops.

  5. Select the Size and Orientation of the map

  6. Select the Operational Date

  7. Double check the correct email is entered in at the bottom

  8. Click Create

  9. A second window will appear showing you the map in the middle with a list of layers on the left

    1. Only layers that are on the map canvas will appear in this window.

  10. Adjust the map to the to the desired view and extent

  11. Toggle on/off the desired layers

    1. Only 10 layers are allowed to be on

  12. Click Create

  13. You will receive an email when the map has been created.

The advanced map products are created on the server and take several minutes to generate.

There is a known issue that some legend items appear twice in the final map.

History Log

To open your past maps, click the button in the top right corner of the Print Map panel as shown in the screenshot below.


This will open your history log of past maps. The log will show you helpful information about your past maps including status, timestamp, indent details, and map details.

A - Click the button to download this map.

B- Click the button populate the Print Map panel with the information from that map. This is a good tool to quickly populate past data for another map.


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