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September 19, 2023 - v

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Mobile.

September 19, 2023 Release

What’s New?

  1. Users may now upload videos to incidents

  2. New functionality to import/export TPK files

  3. Cellular coverage data layers have been added

  4. Quick reference guide has been added to mobile for offline availability under settings

  5. Users are able to import vtpk files as a layer and/or basemap

  6. OH Transmisison Line >66k and USA Building layer added

  7. Users will be notified when their login token expires

  8. Identify tool has been added

  9. Differentiate training vs production environments

  10. Ability to post hyperlinks in the log message (Clicking the link will be on future update)

  11. Android users may now tap incident links to open the Tactical Analyst mobile app

What’s Fixed?

  1. Incident .vtpk layers stay on map until users toggle layer off

  2. When users draw a basic polygon map feature where the icon is hollow, the polygon will have a pink fill

  3. ALERTWildfire Cameras layer is the same as WFA layer

  4. Andriod users getting logged out every time they close TA

  5. Andriod users unable to see incidents and resources

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