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Import & Export TPK/VTPK files

To import TPK/VTPK files, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. On the map screen, open the Basemaps panel

  2. Tap the import button in the upper right corner

  3. Tap on the file you want to import

  4. The file will begin importing and will appear in the Local tab under the Imported TPK section.

In TA mobile version, there is a known issue with the import button on the Map Layers panel. Please use the import button on the Basemaps panel.

To export TPK/VTPK files, follow the steps outlined below:

Users will need to download the TPK before exporting/saving.

  1. On the map screen, open the basemaps panel

  2. Tap the Download tab

  3. Tap the download button next to the TPK you want to export

    1. Once the file downloads, the share icon will appear

  4. Tap the share icon to open the menu to send by airdrop or save the file to a specified location

Some Android devices may require users to download a File Manager App from the Google Play Store before they are able to save a tpk file to their device.

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