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Selecting an Incident

There are 3 main ways to search for and select an incident.

  1. From the Incident List

  2. Main App Search

  3. Selecting on the Map

The selected incident will have a yellow halo around the icon on the map.

From the Incident List

To select an incident from the Incident List:

  1. Click Incidents in the Main Tool Bar

  2. SearchSort or Filter the incident list as needed.

  3. Hover over an incident for additional options.

    1. Zoom to location

    2. Pin incident

    3. Open incident card

Main App Search

The main app search bar can be found in the top Application Bar. This allows you to quickly search for an incident, places and coordinates.

To search for an incident, type the incident name in the search bar and press enter.

Click on the incident in the search results to select and open the Incident Info Card.

Selecting on the Map

Incidents can also be selected on the map by clicking on the incident icon. A small pop up will appear displaying the incident name, size, containment and county.

On the pop up, click to select and view the incident.

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