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Resource List

The Resource List shows a list of all the current resources based on applied filters.

Currently the list is populated from CAL FIRE’s AVL but we are planning to integrate with other providers soon.

Click here to learn about tracking a resource.

View the Resource List

To view the resource list and select an incident:

  1. Click Resource in the Main Tool Bar

  2. Search, sort or Filter the resource list as needed.

  3. Click on the resource in the list you wish to view. The map will zoom to the selected resource.

Each list item contains various quick actions and information about the resource including:

  • Resource Type Icon

  • Name

  • Resource Type

  • Agency

  • Provider

  • Last Position Time/Date Updated

  • Zoom to Resource Location

Search the Resource List

You can quickly find a specific resource by using the search bar at the top of the Resource List. As you type the resource list will filter down based on your input.

Clear your search by clicking the in the search bar.

Sort the Resource List

By default the resource list if is sorted Last Position (Newest). You can change how the resource list is sorted by clicking Sort and selecting one of the following:

  • Name (A-Z)

  • Name(Z-A)

  • Last Position (Newest)

  • Last Position (Oldest)

Filter the Resource List

Filter the Resource List by clicking Filters at the top of the resources list to open the Filters Panel.

Click Apply Filters to apply the selected filters.

Applied filters will filter both the resource list and the map canvas.

Learn more about how to use filters.

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