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Pinning & Tracking a Resource

Similar to incidents, you can Pin specific resources to quickly view them and their tracking history.

You can only view the tracking history of pinned resources.

Pin a Resource

To pin a resource:

  1. Zoom to the resource on the map

  2. Click on the resource

  3. Click Pin in the pop up

The resource will now appear in the Pinned Resource List in the Application Bar

Unpin a Resource

To unpin a resource:

  1. Zoom to the resource on the map

  2. Click on the resource

  3. Click Unpin in the pop up


  1. Open the Pinned Resource List

  2. Click next to the resource you want to unpin

View Tracking History

By default, when a resource is Pinned, the tracking history will be displayed on the map.

The individual breadcrumbs of the resource’s location will be identified on the map by a purple dot, while the most recent/current location will be identified by a white dot.

To toggle on and of the tracking history of a pinned resource:

  1. Pin a resource

  2. Open the Pinned Resource List

  3. Click to toggle on/off breadcrumbs

Convert Resource Trail to a Line Feature

The breadcrumb trail of resources can be add to an incident and converted to a line feature.

To convert the resource trail to line feature:

  1. Open the Incident Card Panel you want to add the resource trail to

  2. Click the on the resource name in the Resource List

  3. In the resource details panel click Add To Incident Mapping

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