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Create a Quickmap

Quickmaps allow you to quickly apply a pre-set layer configuration to the map canvas that meets your specific operational needs. They can be viewed, selected and managed through the Map Layers.

Create a Quickmap

To create a new quickmap:

  1. From the Map Layers, click the currently applied quickmap

  2. Select New Quickmap

  3. Enter a quickmap name

  4. In the Layers From field, select an existing quickmap from which to import the layer configuration

  5. If you want the new quickmap to be your default quickmap, check Default

  6. Click Save Quickmap

Select Which Layers to Include

  1. Expand and collapse the preferred layer groups and toggle on the layers that you want to display in the new quickmap.

  2. When you finish configuring the layers, click to save the layer configuration to the selected quickmap.

Select & Apply a Quickmap

  1. In the layers list click the currently applied quickmap.

  2. Click on a quickmap to select and apply it.

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