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Map Layers

In the layer List, you’ll find all the layers in Tactical Analyst. You can toggle them on or off, adjust transparency, add your own layers and create quickmaps from here. This allows you to quickly set your operational picture.

To view the layers list, click in the main toolbar.

The layers list is separated into different layer groups to help organize the layer list.

Search for Layers

You can quickly find a specific layer by using the search bar at the top of the layers list. As you type the layer list will filter down based on your input.

Clear your search by clicking the in the search bar.

If the layer is inside of a layer group that has not been expanded, you may not see the layer in the results until you expand the layer group.

Toggle On/Off Layers

To turn on a map layer, check the checkbox next to that layer in the layer list. A checked checkbox indicates the layer or layer group is active.

To turn off a map layer, uncheck the checkbox next to the layer in the layer list. A blank checkbox indicates the layer or layer group is not active.

If a layer is inside a layer group that can also be turned on, that layer group must also be turned on for any layers inside that layer group to be displayed on the map.

Unselect All Layers

Unselect all layers by clicking the in the layer list.

This button will not turn layers back on, the user must toggle on desired layers.

Adjust Layer Transparency

Adjust the transparency of a layer by clicking the next to the layer in the layer list.

A pop up will appear with a slider. Adjust the slider to change the layers transparency.

If a layer has transparency applied, the will have a red dot indicator.

Sign Into Layers

Certain layers will require addition login credentials (EGP, Intterra, AGOL etc.) in order for them to be activated. These layers will be identified by a in the layers list.

To add your credentials for a layer, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the next to the layer in the layers list.

  2. Enter your username and password

  3. Click Set

Check “Remember” so you don't have to re enter your username and password next time you open Tactical Analyst.

Credentials Needed

  • EGP Intel: EGP Account

  • Intterra Intel: Intterra Account

  • Fire Season → Current Fire Season Symbology (NIFC): NIFC AGOL Account

Add Session Based Layers

Both web and local layers (KMZ or KML) can be added on a session basis. This means you can add these layers and they will remain in the application’s layer list until you refresh the webpage or close the browser window.

Layers that have been added will appear at the bottom of the layers list in a My Layers layer group.

Web Layers

Supported formats include:

  1. ArcGIS Map Server

  2. ArcGIS Feature Server

  3. WMS OGC Web Service

  4. WFS OGC Web Service

  5. Tile Layer

Local Layers

Supported formats include:

  1. KML

  2. KMZ

Adding Web Layers

To add a web layer, follow the steps below:

  1. From the layers list, click in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Select Web Layer

  3. Select the format/web service

  4. Enter the layer URL

  5. Click Get Layers

  6. Select the layer(s) you want to add

  7. Click Add Layers

Adding Local Layers

To add a local layer, follow the steps below:

  1. From the layers list, click in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Select Local Layer

  3. Click Choose File

  4. Browse your computer and select the file (KMZ or KML)

  5. Click Add Layers

View a Map Legend

To view a map legend click Map Tools in the app header then click Legend.

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