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CAL FIRE Only - April 18, 2024 - v2.1.0

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Web.


April 18th, 2024 Release

What’s New?

  1. Mapping

    1. Added ability to filter by mapping data by feature category

    2. Ability to draw/import geometry from the incident card panel has been removed - users will need to open the mapping grid to add mapping features

    3. Ability to handle multipart polygons

  2. Aerial Intel interface changes

    1. Updated workflow to add Aerial Intel to an incident

  3. User Access Manager

    1. Added ability to bulk update user information in the UAM

    2. Allow special characters to be used for emails when adding new users

    3. The ability to delete an incident in TA web is now an available permission for the RDS2 role

  4. Layers

    1. Update NIFS views to 2024 service

    2. The incident and resource layers now have a label layer

      1. To toggle this layer click the ABC button to the left of the transparency slider in the layers list

  5. Interface changes

    1. The training icon on web has been moved to the left-side menu

    2. TA web has moved to the Karonte Framework

    3. Simple Print Map functionality has been removed

What’s Fixed?

  1. Incident Card

    1. The weather tab was not loading

    2. Users were not able to delete photos they added

  2. Incident Mapping

    1. Update geometry notification keeps popping up

    2. Export mapping features was not working as expected

      1. Tool will now only export the selected features

    3. Inactive button has been removed

    4. Export KML was not working

    5. There was an issue with the geometry repair process that did not allow users to upload bad geometry

  3. Layers

    1. Lightning folder has been removed from Ops and Air Ops quick map

      1. This folder was not expanding when clicked because it was an empty folder

    2. NIFS line and polygon layers did not show the correct symbology

    3. Base Reflectivity Radar layer was not working

    4. Duplicate cameras were showing up in AlertWildfire Cameras layer

  4. Other

    1. FMAG and Impact were not working when using quickmaps

    2. Unable to play videos that were synced from mobile to web

    3. 404 Page not found error when users accessed Training

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