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System Requirements

Tactical Analyst Web is a web based application that works on modern web browsers.

Browser Support









Safari 10+


Internet Explorer

Not Supported

Tactical Analyst Web does not support Internet Explorer.

Internet Connection

Tactical Analyst Web currently requires an active internet connection.

Installing TA as a Progressive Web App

Tactical Analyst is a progressive web app. This allows the application to be “installed” giving the user a more “native” experience with the application. By “installing” the application the user can add Tactical Analyst to their computer’s app drawer and open the application in its own dedicated window without having to open the chrome web browser or tabs.

Installing Tactical Analyst is optional. Using the application in a normal web browser will not change or impact the application’s functionality. Installing the application allows for quicker access and a way to work with the application in its own dedicated window.

To install Tactical Analyst follow the steps below:

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.

  2. Navigate to Tactical Analyst Web

  3. In the top right of the address bar, click :pwa: or click at the top right of the window.

  4. Click Install

  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the PWA.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.