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March 22, 2023 - v 1.3.8

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Web.


March 22, 2023 Release

What’s New?

  1. NIFS edit capability (Training environment only)

  2. Update Incident Card and Incident List interface

    1. Changed Incident Icons to include time since last edit

    2. Moved actions buttons to display when the cursor is positioned on the incident name

  3. Copy items to another incident

  4. Add functionality for users to share mapping features between incidents

  5. Updated the resource location symbols

  6. Ability to convert the resource breadcrumb trail to a line feature

  7. Added resource attributes mobile and web

  8. Added a refresh button to the incident card panel

  9. Updated the “My Incident” button on mobile to a pin

  10. Allow users to adjust the transparency on polygon fill for mapping features

  11. Added new layers to TA

    1. WPA (Boundaries & Infrastructure)

    2. SARCOP Waypoints (FEMA)

    3. Tracks (FEMA)

    4. Search Segments (FEMA)

    5. Operational Areas (FEMA)

    6. Hydrant Priority (Support Layers)

    7. Hydrants Shoveled (Support Layers)

    8. CalMAPPER fuels layers (CalMAPPER)

  12. Incident mode names have changed

    1. Peer to Peer is now Open (IA)

    2. Authoritative is now Approval

  13. Create custom or use predefined offline basemaps on mobile

  14. Ability to change the transparency of layers on mobile

  15. Mapping features are available via map service

What’s Fixed?

  1. Apply laptops and Microsoft Surface Pro cannot view the bottom of the Incident Card

  2. In User Access Manager under Add New User, for the Location option, the units are now listed in alphabetical order and the phone number is formatted to North American Standard.

  3. Issues with the measure tool

  4. Terrain Difficulty Index legend

  5. Updated the incident pop-up behavior to open where there is more room on the screen

  6. Bug on iOS devices that would not change the orientation of the screen when leaving Augmented Reality on mobile.

  7. AlertCA camera views not working on mobile

  8. Ability to use .vtpk files on Android and iOS

  9. Advanced Print Map Works in TRA environment

  10. Updated ADS-B legend

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