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CAL FIRE Only - July 30th, 2024 - v2.1.7

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Web.


July 30th 2024 Release

What’s New?

  1. Incident Card

    1. Increased photo, video, files, and maps file size to 100mb

  2. Mapping

    1. Add halo to label features

  3. Aerial Intel

    1. Aerial Intel button is available

  4. Other

    1. Add tooltip that shows the full file name when hovering over files in the maps, files, photos, and videos tab

    2. Allow users to use the identify tool on mapping features

    3. Add new DDF resources

    4. Add TracPlus Aircraft and Flightpath layers to TA web and mobile

    5. Zoom To Layer button added

What’s Fixed?

  1. Incident Card (Incident Files/Maps)

    1. “Assessments” is misspelled

    2. When clicking on a file, the panel that opens looks like a video panel

    3. Unable to upload kml/kmz files to the file tab

    4. Archive button is missing for files and maps

    5. Unable to view archived files/maps

    6. Users are unable to download Maps attached to an incident

  2. Incident Mapping

    1. Changed the Transformation tooltip to Edit Tools

    2. Export mapping grid columns when users export mapping features

      1. NWCG Export and Regular Export options

    3. Lines and polygons not drawing when exported from TA and imported to ArcPro

    4. Unable to import zipped shapefile

    5. Bring back the shortcut to upload/draw mapping on the incident card

    6. Users are unable to bulk edit mapping feature details

    7. Move GIS acres column to be after the Status column

    8. Delete button is missing for some users for on the mapping grid

  3. Layers

    1. Add to incident button has returned to the alert camera pop up card

    2. Users are unable to delete or zoom to layers they add in TA web

    3. Base Reflectivity Radar layer is working

    4. Layers stay on map canvas when toggled off

    5. TracPlus labels are not displaying in TA Web

  4. FMAG

    1. FMAG report fails when all default layers are turned on

    2. FMAG and Impact tool are not working when using quickmaps

    3. Units on the FMAG tool are not correct for Area

  5. Filters

    1. Filters do not load

    2. Incident saved filters should be accessible from the incident list

  6. Simulations

    1. Sims need to show the most recent simulation at the top of the list in the sims tab

    2. Comments on Sims in WFA do not show up in TA

      1. Please note this has been fixed but only the most recent comment will show in TA

  7. Other

    1. Add to Incident Mapping button has returned on the resource card

    2. FireSIM Use Dashboard not loading

    3. Identify tool is not working

    4. Search bar does not read all coordinate formats

      1. Please note there must be a comma between the inputs

      2. Example formats that work in search bar

        1. 40º 57' 39.26" N, 118º 59' 47.25" W

        2. 40º 57.654' N, 118º 59.787' W

        3. -13246625.082, 5006577.152

    5. Make bookmarks search bar not case sensitive

    6. The incident list blinks and brings users to the top of the incident list

    7. The Zoom To button on the impact tool does not work

Known Bugs

  1. Zoom to Layer button does not work for all layers

  2. The Edit Tools (wrench icon) is greyed out on the mapping grid

    1. Workaround - Click the three dot menu at the end of the feature you want to edit.

    2. Click Edit

    3. The Edit Tools will appear

  3. Region/Unit filters are not working properly

  4. Issues exporting multipart polygons

  5. Unable to download Aerial Intel data

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