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Getting Started

Quick Start Video (Web)

Watch this video to learn about the basic tools and capabilities Tactical Analyst Web. This video will give you a higher level understanding and overview of the Tactical Analyst Web application.

0:00 Welcome

0:47 Find & Pin Incidents

1:49 Filter Incidents

2:52 Layers & Quickmaps

5:22 Bookmarks

7:27 Resources

8:24 Additional Training Material

8:30 Summary

Incident Mapping Quick Start Video (Web)

Watch this video to learn about the incident mapping tools and capabilities in Tactical Analyst Web. This video will give you a higher level understanding and overview of incident mapping in the Tactical Analyst Web application.

0:00 Welcome

0:34 View/Hide Mapping Features

1:16 Add Mapping Features

3:07 Edit Mapping Features

4:33 Delete Mapping Features

5:02 Additional Training Material

5:10 Summary

For more in depth guides on how to work with incident mapping and add features to an incident, click here.

Quick Start Video (Mobile)

Watch this video to learn about the basic tools and capabilities Tactical Analyst Mobile. This video will give you a higher level understanding and overview of the Tactical Analyst mobile application.

0:00 Welcome

0:36 Find and Set Incident

01:34 Incident Info Screen

02:05 Drawing Map Features

03:12 Editing Map Features

03:52 Import Map Features

04:42 Export Map Features

05:06 Sync My Edits

06:20 Augmented Reality for Situational Awareness

08:01 Main Map

08:42 Download Offline Basemaps

09:35 Additional Materials

What’s next?

  1. Complete the Tactical Analyst Training to receive your certificate.

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