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Create & Edit an Incident

Incidents are automatically added into Tactical Analyst from your CAD. However, additional incidents can be created and edited in Tactical Analyst. This can be useful for multi-hazard incident management and training exercises.

Incidents created in Tactical Analyst do not sync to your CAD.

Create an Incident

  1. Open the Incident List

  2. Click

  3. Select the incident location:

    1. Search for a Location - Use the search bar to search a specific address or place.

    2. Point on Map - Click Draw, then select a point on the map

    3. Search Coordinates - Select Search, enter the coordinates and click Search

  4. Click Next

  5. Enter the incident details

  6. Click Save

Edit an Incident

  1. Select and open the incident card.

  2. Select the Details tab

  3. Click Edit

  4. Edit the Location and Details as needed

  5. Click Save

Only incidents created in Tactical Analyst can have the details or location edited.

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