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CAL FIRE Only - November 7th, 2024 - v2.2.2

What’s New?

  1. Aerial Intel

    1. New “Add to incident files” button in Aerial Intel table

    2. New “Add to incident mapping” button in Aerial Intel table

  2. Layers

    1. Replace Hazardous Wildfire Conditions layer with 3-7 Day Wildfire Drought and 8-14 Day Wildfire Drought

    2. California AVL Display layers added without needing user credentials

What’s Fixed?

  1. Incident Card (Incident Files/Maps)

    1. High Res TPKs sometimes not being generated from PDF

  2. Incident Mapping

    1. The blue banner on the mapping grid has been removed

    2. The Edit Tools (wrench icon) is greyed out on the mapping grid

    3. Change export file name to incident name + time of export

    4. GIS Acres do not show up after saving features

    5. GIS Acres are not correct

    6. Search bar in mapping grid makes features disappear until users refresh

    7. IR Heat Perimeter icon does not show in mapping grid

    8. Changing status of a feature makes feature disappear

    9. Bulk action items panel closes too soon

  3. Layers

    1. Alert Cameras layer - Tahoe Donner, Alder Pass, Martis Peak and Mt. Lincoln cameras are not in TA web

    2. County Boundaries layer only displays the labels

    3. FIRIS time filters are not working

      1. The more than 24 hours filter shows more than 24 hours but less than 6 months

    4. The WPA layer is not displaying correctly

    5. DDF layer does not have the right legend

  4. Filters

    1. Region and Unit Filter do not work

  5. Simulations

    1. Sims tab should show the total acreage

  6. Aerial Intel

    1. Unable to download Aerial Intel data

      1. This is a permissioned button

    2. Add to incident button is not working for Aerial Intel

  7. Measure Tool

    1. Measure tool shows wrong units

    2. Measure tool draws behind mapping features

  8. Print Map Functionality

    1. Users do not get any print maps

  9. Other

    1. When users add specific link, incident card format changes

    2. Change order of layers in the identify tool

      1. Incident pop up will be first

      2. Cameras pop up will be second

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