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Bookmark List

Use Bookmarks to quickly zoom the map to a pre-set position. For example, you can create a Bookmark for a specific area or region to quickly find it on the map.

Open the bookmark list by clicking Bookmarks in the Main Toolbar.

Bookmarks are divided into two categories:

  1. Global Bookmarks - These are bookmarks that all Tactical Analyst Users can see

  2. My Bookmarks - These are bookmarks that are specific to your user and only you can see.

Viewing a Bookmark

To view a bookmark:

  1. Open Bookmarks

  2. Select Global or My Bookmarks

  3. Click on the bookmark in the list. The map will zoom to the bookmark.

Click next to a bookmark to toggle showing the bookmark’s location on the map.

Sharing a Bookmark

Bookmarks that are created as My Bookmarks can be shared to other Tactical Analyst users.

To share a bookmark with another user:

  1. Open Bookmarks

  2. Select My Bookmarks

  3. Click next to the bookmark you want to share

  4. Select the user(s) you want to share with

  5. Click Share

The bookmark will now appear in My Bookmarks for the selected user(s).

Deleting a Bookmark

To delete a bookmark:

  1. Open Bookmarks

  2. Select Global or My Bookmarks

  3. Click next to the bookmark you want to delete

  4. Click Ok to confirm

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