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Tactical Analyst Web Slow to Respond

Contributing Factors

If Tactical Analyst Web is slow to load there are a few factors that may be contributing.

  • Slow speed could be related to how many layers are turned on and loaded on the map.

  • Screen resolution can also interfere with the performance of the map as bigger resolutions have to download more tiles and bigger images on map movement.

  • Leaving the Tactical Analyst web page open always.

Common Solutions

Here are a few fixes that should improve the speed of the Tactical Analyst Web application.

  • Turn off layers in the Table of Contents that you are not using.

  • Clear Site Data by following the steps below

    • Open TA web

    • Click the three dot menu in the top right corner of the browser page

    • Click More Tools

    • Click Developer Tools

    • Click Application at the top of the new window that opens

    • In the left side panel click Storage

    • Click Clear Site Data

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.