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July 2nd 2024 - v2.10.8.5

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Tactical Analyst Mobile.

July 2024 Release

What’s New?

  1. TPKs are in alphabetical order

  2. Added Imagery with labels and Topo basemaps to the user-defined offline areas

  3. Changes to the Local Layers

    1. Added folder called CAL FIRE

    2. Moved Regions and Units to the CAL FIRE folder

    3. Added Facilities, Radio Tone Map, and Hydrants to the CAL FIRE folder

  4. Burn Permit Applications added to Web Layers under the Fire section

  5. Dashboard tab have been renamed to Reports

  6. EAA for Current Incidents has been added to the Reports tab

What’s Fixed?

  1. TPKs as Layer section disappears

  2. Update DPA layer

  3. Remove the extra () from the resource names

  4. Resources are not updating

  5. The same resource displays multiple times

  6. Resource icons revert to older symbology

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