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Edit Map Features

You can edit map feature geometry or map feature details in Tactical Analyst mobile.

Edit Map Feature Geometry:

  1. Tap the preferred feature on the map

  2. Tap the pencil button to edit the map feature geometry

  3. Tap on a vertex or mid-point to select (The selected vertex or mid-point will have a blue halo). Vertices are the square icons containing a number and mid-points are the white circular icons.

  4. Tap and hold on the selected vertex or mid-point and drag it to a new location. When the vertex or mid-point is in the preferred location release the tap and hold to move the point. Complete this as many times as necessary to edit the feature geometry.

  5. When finished tap (tick) to save edits

When the user moves a vertex the selected vertex will simply be moved. However, when the user moves a mid-point, the mid-point will be moved and a new vertex will be added to the line or polygon feature at the new location.

Edit Map Feature Details:

  1. Tap the preferred feature on the map

  2. Tap the information button to open the Feature Details screen

  3. Tap the pencil button on the Feature Details screen to edit Feature Details. Use the Sync with central checkbox to toggle whether or not the feature should be available to sync through Main App Sync or My Edits. When sync with central is checked then the feature can be synced though Main App Sync or My Edits. When Sync with central is not checked then the feature cannot be synced and it will not appear in the My Edits interface.

  4. Tap (tick) to save edits

Map Features you create will be available to sync by default

You must upload Mapping edits through the Main App Sync or My Edits so other users can see them

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