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Unable to see incidents, resources, or firesims

This problem may be due to a cache issue or an expired login token. This can be resolved using the following steps.

Logging out and logging back in:

To log out:

  1. In the TA app tap the settings icon in the upper right corner

  2. Tap the red “Log Out” button under your username at the top

Log back into the application. If the issue persists, follow the next set of instructions that correspond to your device’s operating system.

iOS devices

If logging out and back in did not fix the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling the application.

To uninstall:

  1. Long press the TA mobile application 

  2. On the pop-up, tap "Remove App"

  3. Then tap, "Delete App"

To Reinstall:

  1. Open the App store

  2. In the upper right corner, tap your profile 

  3. Tap "Purchased"

  4. Scroll or use the search bar to find "Tactical Analyst"

  5. Tap the download button to reinstall the application

Android devices

If logging out and back in did not fix the issue, try clearing the application cache.

To clear cache:

  1. Navigate to your phone’s settings app.

  2. Scroll down and tap “Apps”

  3. Scroll down and tap “Tactical Analyst”

  4. Tap “Storage”

  5. At the bottom right tap “Clear cache”

If the issue is still occurring, try uninstalling and reinstalling the application.

To uninstall:

  1. Long press the TA mobile application 

  2. Tap Uninstall

  3. Tap OK

To reinstall:

  1. Open the Google Play Store

  2. Search for “Tactical Analyst”. PLEASE NOTE: There are different versions of the Tactical Analyst application. Please select the correct application for your organization.

  3. Tap Install

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.