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September 13th, 2024 - v2.10.10.0 - CAL FIRE

What’s New?

  1. New Functionality

    1. Add zoom to location button when making offline maps

  2. New Layers

    1. Add Contract County AVL layers under the Resource Group

    2. Add Powerline - Underground layer

  3. Rename Layers

    1. Rename “CAL FIRE Units” to “Units”

    2. Rename “TracPlus_Aircraft” to “TracPlus Aircraft”

    3. Rename “CAL FIRE DDF“ to “CAL FIRE Dismounted FF“

  4. Layer Symbology Changes

    1. Reduce the weight of the Units layer line to 05 less than the Region line weight

  5. Changes to Identify Pop-up

    1. Remove OBJECTID attribute from the identify tool for the Radio Tone Map layer

  6. Other

    1. Remove resource filter on incident-specific map

    2. Change layer tab names from "Local" to "Offline" and "Web" to "Online" layers

    3. Reorder the layer folder in the Online and Offline tabs

    4. Make the FEMA folder collapsed by default

  7. Layer Adjustments

    1. Make the following layers ON by default

      1. Incidents

      2. Resources

      3. Mapping Edits - Points

      4. Mapping Edits - Lines

      5. Mapping Edits - Polygons

      6. Mapping Edits - Labels

      7. Imported Mapping

      8. User Photos

      9. ALERT California Cameras

      10. Counties

      11. Regions

      12. Units

      13. Fireguard

      14. TracPlus Aircraft

    2. Set default opacity to 0.3 for the following layers

      1. California Land Ownership

      2. DPA

      3. NIFS Public Perimeters

    3. Set default opacity to 0.2 for the following layers

      1. Herbaceous (LFM)

      2. Woody (LFM)

      3. FM - Fuels

    4. Set default zoom level to 1:800,000 for the following layers

      1. Overhead Lines <66kV

      2. Facilities

      3. Hydrants

What’s Fixed?

  1. Duplicate resources

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